Men Prefer Curvy Women, Here’s Why
Many women are convinced that the standard of beauty is a slim, fit figure without a single gram of fat.

In fact, many men evaluate female attractiveness differently than is commonly believed.

There are many unexpected reasons why they prefer women with curvy shapes.

Men like charming “buns” who always smile and know how to have a casual conversation. A woman’s smile reflects her openness, kindness and sincerity. Such qualities charm men because they bring joy and a sense of happiness into their lives. It is believed that women with curvy shapes often have a higher level of vital energy. This allows them to always be active and effective in everyday affairs.

Another significant factor that attracts men to women with curvy shapes is their naturalness and friendliness. Such women often create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. They tend to be confident in their appearance, which makes their communication easy and comfortable for others. Scientists have even found out that when men get into stressful situations, they exclusively choose curvy women. They have a calming effect on them.

Luxurious forms
Men are attracted to women with rounded forms. Their soft curves are associated with coziness and comfort. Expressive hips, breasts and buttocks often become the object of admiration and sexual attraction for men. On the wave of body positivity fashion, many brands create clothes that perfectly emphasize the beautiful forms of women with curvy figures.

Being a curvy woman, perhaps with a few extra pounds (unless it’s a medical issue) is synonymous with health in the eyes of men. Research shows that overweight women often have higher levels of estrogen and other hormones that are important for conception and healthy development of a child. In addition, fat reserves can serve as an additional source of energy for the mother’s body during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This explains why men may subconsciously perceive overweight women as healthier and more fertile, making them attractive as partners.
